• Principal Brokers and Deputy Principal Brokers: 10 hours of approved training is required. This must include a minimum of 1 hour ethics and a minimum of 5 hours management skills. No personal skills courses may be applied. The remaining hours may be in the Management or Technical categories.
  • All other licensed individuals: 8 hours of approved training is required. This must include a minimum of 1 hour Ethics and a minimum of 3 hours Technical skills. There is a maximum allowance of 2 hours Personal skills.

(Source: RIBO Continuing Education)

The carryover hours shown in your account are calculated using the following procedure:

  1. Previous term hours are totaled by category.
  2. The total for each category (Ethics, Personal, Management and Technical) are compared to RIBO carryover guidelines.
  3. If one or more hours is detected as potential carryover time for any category, those hours are considered for carrying over.
  4. After identifying available carryover hours, the total of all the available hours is compared to RIBO guidelines.
  5. The carryover hours are then determined for each category. This might mean that some hours are discounted.
  6. The choices above are made by logical assumption. You may disagree with the choices made. For example, the program might have discounted a Technical hour to reduce the total to match RIBO guidelines but you want to discount an available Ethics hour instead. In these cases, you can edit your carryover hours by clicking the Edit button at the right end of the data row.