Enter Session Data

If you are having trouble logging on there could be one of a couple of reasons. Perhaps you are mistyping your RIBO number or password. Maybe your CAPS LOCK is turned on. Perhaps your account has expired and is no longer active.

To reactivate your account or to apply as a new registrant, send a text to the number listed below. Include the information indicated:

Text to: (705) 745-8771


Your RIBO number
Indicate that you are a Principal/Deputy Principal broker or registered individual
Your brokerage affiliation

Hint about covering arrears:

Sometimes you need to apply hours earned in a current term to a previous term. For example, you are short 1 Technical Hour from last year. You will need to make two entries.

  1. Enter the details for the session you just took (let’s say it was 6 hours). You would enter 5 hours as the # of Technical Hours entry and apply the hours to the current term from the Select a Term drop-down list.
  2. After completing the first entry, make a second entry but this time enter the hours that are to be applied to a previous period. In our example 1 hour would be applied to the # Technical Hours field. You must use the date you attended the course for this entry but apply the entry to the appropriate term from the drop-down list.

When the appropriate term reports for the above example are displayed, the current term will have been credited with 5 hours and the previous term will have been incremented by the hour that was in arrears.

Click here to read the RIBO compliance policy