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We are located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Frequently asked Questions
Do you provide any RIBO relevant courses?
No. Hourskeeper provides a database service only.
Can I get my annual report from this site?
Yes. If you have entered all the information about any RIBO related professional development that you have taken in the current term, the report available from the main page of the site will produce your report for the term in real time. If you have entered data from previous terms, that data will also be available by selecting a previous term for the term report.
If you are subscribed as part of a brokerage account, your Broker Principal/Brokerage Administrator will receiveĀ a brokerage-level report 3 times each RIBO term. The first report is issued in May. The second report is issued in September to inform brokerage managers about the current compliance picture for their brokers. The third report is issued shortly after the RIBO term ends and is a statistical summary of all the professional development that has been entered by the brokerage subscribers during the RIBO term.
Can I upload a scan of my session certificate?
Yes. You can upload a PDF or a JPG that is a scan of a certificate. You can request a zip file of your scans at any time in the future by filling in the form at the left side of this page.
How long will my data be retained?
RIBO requires brokers to be able to verify their professional development hours at any time for up to 5 prior years. We will retain your data and make it available to you for the 5 year period.
This data will be available to you, without additional charge for the required period even if you have stopped paying the annual fee.
Our servers are currently managing RIBO Continuing Education training information for current and past subscribers dating back to 2015.
What happens if I am the subject of a RIBO inspection/spot check?
The data you have entered into your account will be available to you in the normal manner. You can select reports from any prior year for which data has been entered.
Assuming you have uploaded your certificates, you may request a copy of the relevant certificates by filling in the form at the left side of this page. Alternatively, every participating brokerage has a designated data administrator. This person at your brokerage will have access to your certificates online at any time.
How much of my personal data is kept on the site?
The short answer is, None! If you are associated with a brokerage, we keep only your RIBO number as the identifier for your account and a second identifier for your brokerage. We do not ask for your name, address or any other personal data.
If you are not being represented by a brokerage, we would require personal information for administration purposes. This information is kept offline.
How can I get an Hourskeeper account?
To get an Hourskeeper account as a licensed individual, you can use the form on the left side of this page. Give us some contact information and we will get back to you by the next business day at the latest.
The best way to join Hourskeeper is to join as a brokerage. To take advantage of the price reduction offered at the brokerage level, you will need a brokerage ID number. You can get the brokerage ID number from the Broker Principal at your brokerage. If your brokerage has not been issued a Brokerage ID number, your Broker Principal/Compliance Officer can request one by filling in the form at the left side of this page. We will need the following information: Brokerage Name, Broker Principal’s name, the Broker Principal’s email address and the number of brokers that will be subscribing from the brokerage. We will then provide the Broker Principal with a quote.
How much does an Hourskeeper account cost?
An account on Hourskeeper costs $18.00 plus HST annually for an individual broker. This allows individuals to keep track of the current RIBO term’s professional development hours but also the previous four year’s worth of data if the broker decides to do the data entry. A typical data entry session to input the details for one course that a broker has taken takes about 2 minutes. If all brokers at a brokerage become subscribers, the price is reduced to $12.00 plus HST per broker annually. See the FAQ “How can I get an account on this site” to see how to get a brokerage ID number.
To get more information, just fill out the form on the left side of this page and we will get back to you by the next business day.
What happens to my data if I move to a different brokerage?
If you move to a different brokerage simply submit the form on the left side of this page.
In the message field tell us your RIBO number and the name of your new brokerage affiliation. After verifying the information, we will ensure that all of your data that is on our system identifies you with the new brokerage. Your login procedure will not change at all. There is no charge for this service.
How secure will my data be?
The data relating to any RIBO related professional development that brokers have entered into their accounts is kept on a cloud installation that has the same security systems as Amazon. The data is backed up several times during every 24 hour period and is mirrored across several servers to alleviate any downtime in case of mechanical failure.
Any certificates that have been uploaded are kept on a completely different server and are also backed up several times daily. As an added security measure, all certificates are downloaded to a local server and then retained offline on a monthly schedule.
The administrative information that we need to keep forĀ individual brokers that are subscribed to Hourskeeper is kept entirely offline at all times.