Term Results Report

Term Results Report
by kitedemon

    RIBO #

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    Your Message/Comment/Request

    Term Results Info

    The report that can be seen by clicking the Srch/Download link in the main menu is an informal report. It is a listing, with summary, of all the continuing education hours you have earned in the selected term. This report can be downloaded as an Excel workbook by clicking the Download link at the top of the report results  page. It does not indicate any hours that may be carried over to the subsequent term. These hours can only be determined after the end of the current term and the data is updated for the next professional development term. This is done in mid-October by the database administrator in collaboration with the administrator at your brokerage.

    RIBO does not require you to actually submit a report about your professional development hours. However, at any time, a RIBO representative can require you to verify that you are in compliance.

    Additional reports that are currently under development are:

    1. A report that shows all continuing education courses that have been taken by an individual broker during the previous five terms. This will help you to see your previous continuing education choices.
    2. A report that lists all hours that have been entered for a term but have no associated certificate (session hours were entered but no certificate was uploaded).
    3. An anonymized listing of the names of all courses taken by your colleagues along with the name of the course provider and the RIBO credit hours that the course provides. This data will be polled from all broker data in the system. The listing will allow you some insight into the courses that have been chosen by your peers. You may be able to identify one or more sessions that are of particular interest to you.
    4. Your “wish list” is under construction. The intention is that, while you are viewing the listing described in number 3 above, you will be able to mark sessions that would fit into your professional development plan.  A button will be provided that will add the selected sessions to your “wish list”. Your “wish list” will be available for viewing and/or editing anytime after you have logged in.